Uninterrupted Connectivity for Healthcare Services

Wireless Failover for Business Continuity

BEC’s MX-200 Series routers can actively monitor the primary connection and automatically switch over to LTE wireless connectivity in the event of a service disruption. Administrators can extend network visibility with BeCentral® BEC’s loud Based Remote Management Platform. BeCentral® enables real-time device monitoring, provisioning, troubleshooting and maintenance from a single centralized location. The platform will simplify device access, lower support expenses, accelerate deployments/service delivery and maximizes operational efficiency.

Connect and Treat Patients Anywhere, Anytime

Ruggedized, Compact, Wireless WAN Connectivity

The Telehealth industry is set for tremendous growth over the next decade as more and more health systems increase adoption. Key factors for this adoption include cost efficiencies, increased service capacity, access to patients in remote locations, patient demands and advancements in healthcare communication technology. Advances in communication technologies such as 4G/LTE and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) solutions from BEC are increasing the effectiveness and expanding the reach of telehealth platforms.

Always-on Connection for Mission-critical and Mobile Clinic
In-Vehicle Connectivity

BEC focus on delivering mobile broadband solutions for FirstNet initiatives and Mobile Healthcare Services that ensure mission-critical video, voice, and data for first responders across the nation. Our devices are supporting a single nationwide, interoperable public safety broadband network.